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  • 2324
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Warning This list relates to the term 2324 which ended on 30/06/2024

Week 2: Birth of Cold War Consensus, to Cold War Dilemmas: Truman and Eisenhower

Week 3: Traditionalist Perspectives

Week 4: JFK, LBJ, 'Flexible Response' and the failure of the Vietnam War

Week 5: Revisionism

Week 6: The 1970's: Detente to the Second Cold War

Week 7: From Worlds Terrorist to "My Friend"

Week 8: Post-Revisionism

Week 9.1: The 1990's: 'Intermestic' Neoliberalism and Humanitarian Dilemmas

Week 9: Dubya and the War on Terror

Week 10: Barack Obama and ‘soft’ or ‘smart’ power. And how Trump addressed the outcomes

Final Week: Where is Diplomatic History Today?

Good general reading on foreign policy processes