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  • 2223
  • By Sarah Evans
  • Created  Updated 
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Warning This list relates to the term 2223 which ended on 30/06/2023

Week 1 pre-session readings Tuesday

Week 1 Wednesday reading

Here is the reading we will be discussing

Week 1 pre-session readings Thursday

Week 2 pre-session readings Tuesday/Wednesday

This paper has been suggested by Kate for her talk on Tuesday. You might want to read it before Tuesday to contextualise her session, but we will use this as our discussion paper for Wednesday so you can read it before then if you'd prefer.

Week 2 pre-session readings for Thursday

Please read at least the texts marked 'essential' before Thursday's session

Additional 'theory' texts

Here's a collection of literature that deals with various theoretical frameworks that can be used to consider social justice issues. You don't have to read them all, but try to find the theory that grabs your attention more and use the texts here as a starting point to further your reading about them.

Week 3 pre-session readings for Tuesday

Week 3 pre-session readings for Wednesday

Week 3 pre-session readings for Thursday

Week 4 pre-session readings for Tuesday

Week 4 pre-session reading for Wednesday

Week 4 pre-session reading for Thursday

Week 5 pre-session reading for Thursday

Additional Materials

This is a collection of additional readings that support the essential and further readings, and the content covered in taught sessions.

Education and Globalization

Understanding Political Ideology

Social Justice