Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
2D and Experimental Game Art 1J4Z1019 Unit
Academic Study Skills 1J3Z0007 Unit
Accessible design 1J4Z1048 Unit
Animation Design and Practice 1 1J4Z1030 Unit
Animation Practice, Industry and Community 1J5Z1032 Unit
Animation Practice, Industry and Community 1J5Z1033 Unit
Animation Principles 1J4Z1028 Unit
Application of User Experience Web Theories 1J4Z1027 Unit
Applied Practice 1 1J6Z1040 Unit
Applied Practice 2 1J6Z1041 Unit
Applied Research Project 1 1J6Z1043 Unit
Applied Research Project 2 1J6Z1045 Unit
Applied Research: Composition 1J6Z1011 Unit
Applied Research: Sound Design 1J6Z1013 Unit
Applying Creativity Through Research 1J4Z1007 Unit
Approaches to Audio Content Creation 1J4Z1012 Unit
Body 1 1J7V0004 Unit
Body 1 1J5Z1037 Unit
Body 1 1J4Z1034 Unit
Body 1 1J6Z1032 Unit
Body 2 1J6Z1033 Unit
Body 2 1J7V0005 Unit
Body 2 1J4Z1035 Unit
Body 2 1J5Z1038 Unit
Character and Environment Art 1J5Z1020 Unit
Co-Lab 1 (Animation) 1J4Z1060 Unit
Co-Lab 1 (Filmmaking) 1J4Z1061 Unit
Co-Lab 1 (Future Media Production) 1J4Z1062 Unit
Co-Lab 1 (Games Art) 1J4Z1063 Unit
Co-Lab 1 (Games Design) 1J4Z1066 Unit
Co-Lab 1 (Music and Sound Design) 1J4Z1064 Unit
Co-Lab 1 (Photography) 1J4Z1065 Unit
Co-Lab 1 (Web and User Experience Design) 1J4Z1067 Unit
Co-Lab 2 1J4Z1068 Unit
Co-Lab 3 (Animation) 1J5Z1073 Unit
Co-Lab 3 (Filmmaking) 1J5Z1074 Unit
Co-Lab 3 (Future Media Production) 1J5Z1075 Unit
Co-Lab 3 (Games Art) 1J5Z1076 Unit
Co-Lab 3 (Games Design) 1J5Z1079 Unit
Co-Lab 3 (Music and Sound Design) 1J5Z1077 Unit
Co-Lab 3 (Photography) 1J5Z1078 Unit
Co-Lab 3 (Web and User Experience Design) 1J5Z1080 Unit
Co-Lab 4 1J5Z1081 Unit
Co-Lab 5 (Animation) 1J6Z1068 Unit
Co-Lab 5 (Filmmaking) 1J6Z1069 Unit
Co-Lab 5 (Future Media Production) 1J6Z1070 Unit
Co-Lab 5 (Games Art) 1J6Z1071 Unit
Co-Lab 5 (Games Design) 1J6Z1074 Unit
Co-Lab 5 (Music and Sound Design) 1J6Z1072 Unit
Co-Lab 5 (Photography) 1J6Z1073 Unit
Co-Lab 5 (Web and User Experience Design) 1J6Z1075 Unit
Co-Lab 6 (Animation) 1J7V0053 Unit
Co-Lab 6 (Filmmaking) 1J7V0054 Unit
Co-Lab 6 (Games Art) 1J7V0055 Unit
Co-Lab 6 (Photography) 1J7V0056 Unit
Co-Lab 6 (Sound Design) 1J7V0057 Unit
Co-lab: Body (S1) 1J7V0045 Unit
Co-lab: Body (S2) 1J7V0049 Unit
Co-lab: Machine (S1) 1J7V0046 Unit
Co-lab: Machine (S2) 1J7V0050 Unit
Co-lab: Society (S1) 1J7V0047 Unit
Co-lab: Society (S2) 1J7V0051 Unit
Co-lab: Storytelling (S1) 1J7V0048 Unit
Co-lab: Storytelling (S2) 1J7V0052 Unit
Coding and UX 1J5Z1000 Unit
Collaborative Game Studio Practice 1J6Z1017 Unit
Collaborative Practices 1J5Z1049 Unit
Collaborative Practices 1J3Z0001 Unit
Collaborative Processes in Contemporary Film 1J5Z1044 Unit
Collaborative Project 1J6Z1023 Unit
Community and Industry Research Project 1J6Z1029 Unit
Composition 1J4Z1013 Unit
Composition for Media 1J5Z1016 Unit
Concept and Prototype Development 1J5Z1055 Unit
Concept Art 1J4Z1016 Unit
Conversion and UX 1J5Z1007 Unit
Creative Collaborations 1J6Z1044 Unit
Creative digital design fundamentals 1J4Z1049 Unit
Creative Methodologies (Animation) 1J6Z1076 Unit
Creative Methodologies (Filmmaking) 1J6Z1077 Unit
Creative Methodologies (Future Media Production) 1J6Z1078 Unit
Creative Methodologies (Games Art) 1J6Z1079 Unit
Creative Methodologies (Games Design) 1J6Z1082 Unit
Creative Methodologies (Music and Sound Design) 1J6Z1080 Unit
Creative Methodologies (Photography) 1J6Z1081 Unit
Creative Methodologies (Web and User Experience Design) 1J6Z1083 Unit
Creative Photographic Practices 1J4Z1046 Unit
Creative Practice Collaborative Project 1J6Z1028 Unit
Creative Practice Individual Project 1J6Z1026 Unit
Creative Practices in Filmmaking 1J4Z1041 Unit
Creative Strategies in Music and Sound for Digital Arts 1J4Z1014 Unit
Creativity Through Research 1J4Z1006 Unit
Critical Analysis of Game Art 1J6Z1014 Unit
Critical Study 1J7V0014 Unit
Data Visualisation and Storytelling 1J4Z1054 Unit
Design and UX 1J5Z1001 Unit
Design for Others 1J5Z1027 Unit
Design in Context 1J4Z1025 Unit
Design, Image and Movement for Online Media 1J4Z1010 Unit
Developing for Change 1J5Z1028 Unit
Developmental Project 1J6Z1022 Unit
Digital and Creative Industries 1J3Z0002 Unit
Digital Art Activism 1J7V0016 Unit
Digital Communications for Future Media Professionals 1J6Z1009 Unit
Digital Design Governance 1J5Z1056 Unit
Digital Futures 1J5Z1015 Unit
Digital Marketing Essentials for Media Production 1J4Z1009 Unit
Digital Media Platforms 1 1J4Z1055 Unit
Digital Media Platforms 2 – Audiovisual 1J5Z1051 Unit
Digital media platforms 3 – Immersive 1J6Z1046 Unit
Digital Media Technologies 1J4Z1047 Unit
Emerging platforms and technologies – 3D 1J5Z1057 Unit
English For Academic Study 1J3Z0008 Unit
Environment and Level Design 1J5Z1023 Unit
Ethical Considerations in UX 1J5Z1002 Unit
Ethics, Rights and Research 1J5Z1003 Unit
Experience in XR Storytelling 1J7V0024 Unit
Experimental Games Project 1J4Z1022 Unit
Exploration and Making Animation 1J4Z1029 Unit
Film and Storytelling 1J5Z1043 Unit
Film Concept and Vision 1J4Z1040 Unit
Filmmaking Industry Skills 1 1J5Z1045 Unit
Filmmaking Industry Skills 2 1J5Z1046 Unit
Filmmaking Technical Skills 1 1J4Z1042 Unit
Filmmaking Technical Skills 2 1J4Z1043 Unit
Final Project 1J6Z1020 Unit
Funding, Marketing and Production (Animation) 1J5Z1034 Unit
Game Audio 1J5Z1018 Unit
Games for Good 1J6Z1016 Unit
Games, Players and Data 1J5Z1024 Unit
Games, Players and Data 1J5Z1025 Unit
Graphic design fundamentals 1J4Z1050 Unit
Independent Game Art Studio Practice 1J6Z1015 Unit
Independent Project 1J7V0003 Unit
Individual Creative Practice 1J6Z1042 Unit
Individual Project 1J6Z1010 Unit
Industry Project 1J6Z1012 Unit
Innovative Practices in Game Art 1J5Z1022 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 1 (Creative Digital Education) 1J7V0039 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 1 (Documentary) 1J7V0032 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 1 (Emergent Technologies) 1J7V0034 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 1 (Filmmaking) 1J7V0001 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 1 (Games Art) 1J7V0030 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 1 (Photography) 1J7V0026 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 1 (Sound Design) 1J7V0028 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 2 (Creative Digital Education) 1J7V0040 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 2 (Documentary) 1J7V0033 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 2 (Filmmaking) 1J7V0002 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 2 (Games Art) 1J7V0031 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 2 (Photography) 1J7V0027 Unit
Interdisciplinary Practice 2 (Sound Design) 1J7V0029 Unit
Introduction to Creative Coding 1J3Z0003 Unit
Introduction to Design 1J4Z1024 Unit
Introduction to Digital Sound 1J3Z0004 Unit
Introduction to Digital User Experience 1J3Z0005 Unit
Introduction to Digital Visuals 1J3Z0000 Unit
Introduction to Digital Visuals 1J3Z0006 Unit
Introduction to user experience 1J4Z1051 Unit
Introduction to User Experience Theories 1J4Z1026 Unit
Machine 1 1J6Z1030 Unit
Machine 1 1J7V0006 Unit
Machine 1 1J4Z1032 Unit
Machine 1 1J5Z1035 Unit
Machine 2 1J6Z1031 Unit
Machine 2 1J4Z1033 Unit
Machine 2 1J7V0007 Unit
Machine 2 1J5Z1036 Unit
Major Film Project 1J6Z1039 Unit
Managing and Operating Digital Brands 1J5Z1052 Unit
Media Practice Collaborative Project 1J6Z1008 Unit
Media Practice Individual Project 1J6Z1006 Unit
Media Production Future Practice 1J5Z1011 Unit
Media Production Industry 1J5Z1012 Unit
Music and Sound for Narrative Media 1J5Z1017 Unit
Narrative and Authorship 1J5Z1047 Unit
Personal Research Project 1J6Z1007 Unit
Personal Research Project 1J6Z1027 Unit
Perspectives 1J7V0012 Unit
Photo Related Theory 1J5Z1063 Unit
Photographic Conceptual Explorations 1J5Z1060 Unit
Photographic Principles 1J4Z1044 Unit
Photographic Technologies 1J4Z1045 Unit
Photography and the Gallery 1J5Z1064 Unit
Photography Beyond the Frame 1J5Z1059 Unit
Photography Critical Contexts 1J5Z1066 Unit
Photography for Wall, Page and Screen 1J5Z1062 Unit
Photography in the Creative Industries 1J5Z1048 Unit
Photography Professional Practice and Promotion 1J5Z1065 Unit
Platform production fundamentals 1J4Z1052 Unit
Principles of Digital Media Production 1J4Z1008 Unit
Production Planning and Finance 1J5Z1014 Unit
Production Techniques and Practice 1 1J4Z1031 Unit
Production Techniques and Practice 2 1J5Z1031 Unit
Professional Practice 1J7V0013 Unit
Project design and delivery 1J5Z1058 Unit
Project Finance and Funding 1J5Z1050 Unit
Reimagining Technologies 1J7V0018 Unit
Research and Innovation 1J6Z1038 Unit
Short Form Content Creation 1J4Z1011 Unit
Skills in XR Storytelling 1J7V0017 Unit
Society 1 1J7V0008 Unit
Society 1 1J6Z1034 Unit
Society 1 1J5Z1039 Unit
Society 1 1J4Z1036 Unit
Society 2 1J6Z1035 Unit
Society 2 1J4Z1037 Unit
Society 2 1J7V0009 Unit
Society 2 1J5Z1040 Unit
Sociotechnical Design 1J7V0023 Unit
Sonic Interaction 1J5Z1004 Unit
Sound Design 1J4Z1015 Unit
Spaces in XR Storytelling 1J7V0019 Unit
Storytelling 1 1J4Z1038 Unit
Storytelling 1 1J7V0010 Unit
Storytelling 1 1J5Z1041 Unit
Storytelling 1 1J6Z1036 Unit
Storytelling 2 1J5Z1042 Unit
Storytelling 2 1J4Z1039 Unit
Storytelling 2 1J7V0011 Unit
Storytelling 2 1J6Z1037 Unit
Sustainability and Digital Arts 1J7V0015 Unit
Technology and design emerging practice 1J6Z1047 Unit
Technology and Design Innovation 1J5Z1013 Unit
The Business and Practice of the Games Industry 1J5Z1026 Unit
The Business and Practice of the Games Industry 1J5Z1021 Unit
The Communication of Ideas 1J5Z1053 Unit
The Game Production Pipeline 1J5Z1019 Unit
Time-Based Game Art 1J4Z1018 Unit
User Experience and Interaction Design 1J6Z1019 Unit
User Experience Design Practice 1J5Z1030 Unit
User Experience Design Process 1J5Z1029 Unit
UX FUTURES 1J6Z1002 Unit
UX Human Contexts 1J4Z1001 Unit
UX Methods 1J4Z1003 Unit
UX Origins and Applications 1J4Z1000 Unit
UX Practices 1: Making 1J4Z1002 Unit
UX Practices 2: Communicating 1J4Z1005 Unit
UX Practices 3: Building 1J5Z1006 Unit
UX System Contexts 1J4Z1004 Unit
UX TOOLKIT 1J6Z1000 Unit
Visual identity and branding 1J4Z1053 Unit
Visual Storytelling and UX 1J5Z1005 Unit
What is Work in a Digital World? 1J6Z1025 Unit
Workflow, Process and Practice 1J5Z1054 Unit
Working in a Digital World 1J6Z1024 Unit

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