Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic and Professional Practice (L6) - Primary Education 9F6Z0006 Unit
Academic and Professional Practice 2 9F5Z0003 Unit
Academic and professional Practice 3 9F6Z0003 Unit
Approaches To Curriculum 22110014 Unit
Computing Educational Placement Unit 1 225Z1050 Unit
Computing Educational Placement Unit 2 226Z1050 Unit
Core Curriculum Unit School Direct 22020011 Unit
Critical Studies 9F7V9001 Unit
Dissertation 220X0004 Unit
Dyscalculia: Nature, Assessment & Identification 22KW0001 Unit
Introduction to Research Methods 228V0003 Unit
Mathematics 1 9F5Z0007 Unit
Mathematics 1 225Z1017 Unit
Mathematics 2 225Z1018 Unit
MFL Educational Placement Unit 2 226Z1052 Unit
NASENCo 22KV0001 Unit
PGCE Secondary - Business 9F7V9BUS Unit
Professional Development & Employability 9F7V0016 Unit
Professional Inquiry 2 228V0004 Unit
Professional Practice And Review: Learners And Learning 224Z0008 Unit
Professional Studies 22020019 Unit
Reflection on Professional Development 9F7V9002 Unit
SCITT - Current Issues. Joanna Baynham 22GJ0004 Unit
SCITT - Reflective Practice in Action. Joanna Baynham 22GJ0003 Unit
Specialism 1 (L5) 225Z1015 Unit
Specialism 2 (L5) 225Z1016 Unit
Specialism 2 - Curriculum Innovation and Development 226Z1016 Unit
Specific Learning Difficulties: Assessment and Support for Learning 22KR0003 Unit
Specific Learning Difficulties: Intervention and the Practice of Teaching 22KR0002 Unit
Specific Learning Difficulties: Legal Issues and Consultancy 22KR0004 Unit
Specific Learning Difficulties: Nature, Assessment & Intervention 22KR0001 Unit
Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy 3 9F6Z0005 Unit
Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy 3 (Non dissertation) 9F6Z0007 Unit
Subject Pedagogy Psychology 9F7V9PSY Unit
Subject Pedagogy Social Science 9F7V9SOC Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Modern Foreign Languages 2H7V9MFL Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Art & Design 2H7V9ADE Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Computing 2H7V9COM Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Design and Technology 2H7V9DTE Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Drama 2H7V9DRA Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary English 2H7V9ENG Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Geography 2H7V9GEO Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary History 2H7V9HIS Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Mathematics 2H7V9MAT Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Music 2H7V9MUS Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Physical Education 2H7V9PED Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Religious Studies 2H7V9REL Unit
Subject Pedagogy: PGCE Secondary Science 2H7V9SCI Unit
Subject Pedagogy: Psychology and Social Sciences 2H7V9SSP Unit
Supporting Learners with Dyscalculia and other Specific Learning Difficulties in Mathematics 22KW0002 Unit
Teaching Experience 3 22020035 Unit
Teaching Studies (School Direct) 22020018 Unit
Tutored Project (L6) 226Z1023 Unit

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